This guide contains almost all Clue Scroll Maps in RS-Remake
Teleport to Falador, Edgeville or Varrock and run to Barbarian Village, south-west of Barbarian Village, you will see some rocks and stones, dig where it tells you to dig.
Teleport to Draynor Village and run south to the Wizard tower, run to the south side of the island and then stand on the fern. Dig there.
Teleport to the Monastery or Edgeville, and run north-west till level 15 and go in the castle. Search the crate in the middle of the castle.
Teleport to Lumbridge and run east, to Al-Kharid, talk the the Gnome glider and teleport to Yanille, run into Yanille and dig behind the smithing house.
This guide contains almost all Clue Scroll Maps in RS-Remake
Teleport to Falador, Edgeville or Varrock and run to Barbarian Village, south-west of Barbarian Village, you will see some rocks and stones, dig where it tells you to dig.
Teleport to Draynor Village and run south to the Wizard tower, run to the south side of the island and then stand on the fern. Dig there.
Teleport to the Monastery or Edgeville, and run north-west till level 15 and go in the castle. Search the crate in the middle of the castle.
Teleport to Lumbridge and run east, to Al-Kharid, talk the the Gnome glider and teleport to Yanille, run into Yanille and dig behind the smithing house.