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Pure and Main Training Guide!

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1Pure and Main Training Guide! Empty Pure and Main Training Guide! Tue May 08, 2012 7:00 pm



This can be used for any level and any type of account, whether or not it range's from tank, to pure to a main it suit's everyone just fine and keep's the xp rate's decent.

*Npc Name*
Rock Crab *Level 13*

*Types of Drops*
-Clue Scrolls (Uncommon)

*Rock Crab Statistics*
Combat Level 13

Life Points: 500

Agressive: No

Max Hit : 5

Weakness: Crush or Pickaxes

Attack Speed: 6

*Pictures* With Descriptions*

Teleport to Lumbridge
Pure and Main Training Guide! Lumbridgetelepo

Follow the path going straight and then turn left at the first left then continue to go across the bridge and follow the path going 100% straight and you'll hit a point were you see crabs.
Pure and Main Training Guide! Camelotpath

If you keep walking straight from this area you are the correct path!
Pure and Main Training Guide! Fremminick

Now you've reached Rock Crabs!
Pure and Main Training Guide! Rockcrabs

This is most likely self explanatory and I hope it helped you.

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